Hello ,
As the 10th President & Chief Executive Officer of Urban League of Louisiana, I am proud to announce the launch of Urban League of Louisiana’s 85th anniversary campaign.

Throughout this milestone anniversary year, our BOUNDLESS campaign will help capture what we believe about ourselves, share why our history informs our confidence today, and boldly proclaim what we believe our organization can accomplish in partnership with the communities we serve across the state.
For 85 years, Urban League of Louisiana has supported African Americans and other underserved communities in their pursuit of economic self-reliance, parity, power, and civil rights. And, today, our work continues to be delivered through innovative policies, programs, and advocacy. Whether in the areas of workforce, entrepreneurship, education or social justice, we are clear to always stay true to our mission and build on the legacy of our past.
In this milestone year, I can’t help but reflect that we are running our leg of a very long relay for justice, equity and economic empowerment. And there is no doubt that this continued race is possible because of the many forbearers in the movement that continue to guide our pathway today.
While our language may be slightly different from 1938, our issues of empowerment are the same. While our tactics may have evolved over eight decades, the principles of how we deliver improvements for families we serve are the same – community-focused, driven by data and analysis, and grounded in a healthy mix of direct service and policy change through strategic partnerships.
However, you slice it, I can confidently report that 85 years into this journey we remain aligned with the spirit and principles of our founders.
We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of our community, partners and many friends. The truth is we would not have been able to reach this incredible milestone without you and your belief in what we are called to do together. Thank you for joining us as we celebrate this historic milestone, and thank you for what you will do in the future.
For more on the BOUNDLESS campaign and what we have planned over the next six months, please regularly visit urbanleaguela.org/85.
If you haven’t already, please join our movement and become an Urban League of Louisiana Member. Together, we are BOUNDLESS.
Judy Reese Morse
President & CEO
Urban League of Louisiana