On Wednesday we delivered the Justice for Ronald Greene petition to decision makers US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Governor John Bel Edwards, LA States Attorney General Jeff Landry, and LA State Police Colonel Lamar Davis calling for justice for Ronald Greene.
Since May 27th, more than 27,000 voices from all over the world have joined with us in speaking up for Ronald Greene. Friends and neighbors in 170 countries took a stand by adding their signature and comments, demanding justice and accountability in the case of Ronald Greene and calling for action to address the systemic patterns of police brutality in the Louisiana State Police Department.
When one voice multiples into an entire chorus crying out for justice, the results are LOUD! Thank you for raising visibility by sharing with others. Thank you for being a part of a global movement demanding justice in the face of police brutality.
Urban League of Louisiana Releases Statement on Federal Indictment of Former Louisiana State Police Trooper
(Issued September 23, 2021)
We applaud the Department of Justice regarding today’s indictment of Jacob Brown, former Louisiana State Police trooper, for the 2019 beating of Aaron Bowman following a traffic stop.
Much like the case involving Ronald Greene, a deeper investigation followed the release of graphic body camera footage withheld for more than two years. The footage shows Trooper Brown striking Mr. Bowman 18 times with a flashlight, which the trooper later attempted to justify as “pain compliance.” We commend the federal grand jury in Shreveport, Louisiana, who brought the excessive force charges against Trooper Brown.
We again call for a full patterns and practices investigation of the entire department.
The Urban League of Louisiana will continue to advocate for a more fair and just system for all, and for accountability within the Louisiana State Police.
(September 24, 2021/Associated Press)
EXCERPT -A former Louisiana State Police trooper has been charged with a civil rights violation for pummeling a Black motorist 18 times with a flashlight — the first criminal case to emerge from federal investigations into troopers’ beatings of at least three Black men.
A grand jury on Thursday indicted Jacob Brown for the 2019 beating following a traffic stop that left Aaron Larry Bowman with a broken jaw, broken ribs and a gash to his head. Brown was charged with one count of deprivation of rights under color of law, federal prosecutors said.
Law professor says State Police may have violated federal law in Ronald Greene coverup
(September 14, 2021/ WBRZ)
EXCERPT – An LSU law professor believes the RICO Act could be applicable for some Louisiana State Police (LSP) troopers who are tied to the death of Ronald Greene and the subsequent coverup.
RICO, the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, was passed in 1970 and is designed to go after organized crime. LSU Professor Ken Levy said in order for RICO to fit, two or more criminal offenses need to have occurred.
Former Louisiana Trooper Faces Federal Civil Rights Charge
(September 24, 2021/New York Times)
EXCERPT – A federal grand jury indicted a former Louisiana State Trooper on Thursday on a federal civil rights violation, finding that he repeatedly clubbed a Black man with a flashlight during a traffic stop that was recorded by his body camera.
Additional coverage throughout the state and nation regarding Ronald Greene’s story and the call for the justice: