Thank you for being a partner in the Urban League of Louisiana’s Digital Census Day! Below are a variety of social media posts that you can share to raise awareness on April 1, Census Day, to help ensure a complete count in 2020. These ready-to-use social media posts are by theme – this way you can select the key messages that are most relevant to, and will resonate with, the people you reach on social media. YOU are a trusted messenger, and your voice is critical in making sure our friends, family, neighbors and colleagues understand how critical it is that they be counted in the Census. Whether you are participating as an individual, an organization, a church, or business – thank you for doing your part.
For Census Day messaging, we identified four key themes to help reach a diverse audience and highlight the importance of taking the Census. They include:
1. Social Distance messaging: As our world faces unchartered times with the coronavirus pandemic, showcasing how the Census can help our healthcare system and promoting how now is a great time to take the Census while our country implements social distancing is important.
2. Count Your Children messaging: Addressing the impact the Census will have on our children and making sure we count all children.
3. The Census is Safe messaging: Now more than ever, many are wondering about their safety and security when completing everyday tasks. This messaging aims to address the fears many may have of taking the Census and educate them on the safety that is assured with taking the Census.
4. Louisiana specific messaging: This messaging aims to really drive home the impact the Census has on our state.
When posting, make sure to include the hashtag #ULLACensusDay where applicable.
You can also visit our VOICE social media toolkit for more social media resources to use throughout the days and weeks. Please share our messaging and materials and lets help educate everyone on being counted for the 2020 Census! If you have any questions, contact Nicole Jolly at njolly@urbanleaguela.org. Happy sharing and thank you for helping us make everyone count!
Simply copy and paste any of the below messages below and be sure to use one of the images to really make your post stand out!
Include the hashtag #ULLACensusDay in your posts!
· Deciding what to do while #socialdistancing? How about bringing your community over $22,000? It’s possible when you fill out the #2020Census!
Go to my2020census.gov to fill out yours!
· Stuck at home? Now is the perfect time to be counted! It takes less than 10 minutes to complete the #2020Census and you can do it from the comfort of your couch!
Go to my2020census.gov or by phone or mail. No contact necessary.
· Things to do while social distancing:
-Read a book
-Take the Census
-Clean your room
-Take the Census
-Stream that movie you heard good things about
-Did we mention take the Census?
It takes less than 10 minutes! Go to my2020census.gov and take the #2020Census!
· Now more than ever, we need to be counted. The #2020Census determines federal funding for important health-related resources such as health care centers, Medicaid, Medicare, children’s health insurance programs, and more.
Secure our future at my2020census.gov.
· While we’re all home, there are three ways to respond to the #2020Census from the safety and comfort of your house: online, by phone, or by returning the paper questionnaire in the mail.
Don’t let the coronavirus be the reason you’re counted out! Visit my2020census.gov and be counted!
· Being extra careful right now? Well there are three ways to be counted in the #2020Census that are safe from the coronavirus threat – you can fill out the 9-question form online, by phone, or by mail. Go to my2020census.gov or call 1-844-330-2020 to be counted now!
Simply copy and paste any of the below messages below and be sure to use one of the images to really make your post stand out!
Include the hashtag #ULLACensusDay in your posts!
· Does your child attend a Head Start program? You have the power to make sure they receive the funding needed to support your child! Make your child count in just 10 minutes by filling out the #2020Census. Go to my2020census.gov to fill your Census now and #CountAllKids!
· If we don’t count our kids in the #2020Census, the programs they depend on will be underfunded for the next 10 years. Make sure to count all kids staying by you. They’re counting on you to count them! For the #2020Census, let’s #CountAllKids! Fill out your form at my2020census.gov.
· Sick of overcrowded classrooms and day care waitlists? Make sure to fill out the census and count all kids who stay with you! Children under the age of 5 were dramatically undercounted in Louisiana in 2010 and we can’t afford to let that happen again. For the #2020Census, let’s #CountAllKids! Go to my2020census.gov to be counted.
· A new school to ease overcrowded classrooms. A new road to ease overcrowded commutes. There are many ways the #2020Census can shape your community. Being counted will help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding is distributed to Louisiana and you community every year. Visit my2020census.gov to be counted!
Simply copy and paste any of the below messages below and be sure to use one of the images to really make your post stand out!
Include the hashtag #ULLACensusDay in your posts!
· In these times of uncertainty, you can be assured that you’re safe with the #2020Census! The Census Bureau can’t share your information with anyone, including other government agencies. Your information is totally confidential. Go to my2020Census.gov to secure our fair share of federal resources and political representation!
Simply copy and paste any of the below messages below and be sure to use one of the images to really make your post stand out!
Include the hashtag #ULLACensusDay in your posts!
· It’s Census Day and you haven’t filled out your #2020Census yet? Even referees in New Orleans have to throw the flag on that obvious penalty! Go to my2020census.gov and fill out your census now!
· How does the #2020Census impact Louisiana? Did you know it influences resources for youth, economic development, workforce development, disaster recovery, and political representation? You do now! 🙂
Go to my2020census.gov to complete your census today!
· Filling out the Census brings $22,900 in federal funding per Louisiana resident counted. Now imagine if we ALL fill out the #2020Census…
You can do the math and see what it would mean for our community.
Do your part. Fill out your census at my2020census.gov
· $16,586,108. That is how much funding Louisiana loses PER YEAR due to people not being counted in the Census. Taking less than 10 minutes to fill out the #2020Census can help our community receive millions.
Do your part. Fill out your census at my2020census.gov
· The #2020Census is simple, quick, and secure. Being counted in Louisiana brings your community over $22,000! Fill out your census at my2020census.gov. It takes less than 10 minutes!