About the Urban League of Louisiana Technology Hub

As technology continues to change the future of work, those who have limited access to, or are unfamiliar with these essential tools, are at risk of being left behind. It is crucial for workers to become more digitally proficient, from mastering basic computing skills to successfully navigating the internet, cloud computing and smartphone integrations, and more. 

The Urban League of Louisiana is committed to making continuing training and education available so that our clients have a greater chance to find rewarding and lucrative work in the future. We are also ready to work directly with employers to address their ongoing hiring and training needs.


Come gain knowledge and learn the skills needed to enter the digital literacy space, build confidence to operate in the digital literacy environment, and be able to respond to the challenges of the economic environment. The Urban League of Louisiana’s technology classes are virtual with hands-on training and are provided via live remote instructor. Successful completion of some courses will lead to an industry-based certification or certificate for Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

What You Need to Know:

  • Trainings are available at no cost to attendees.
  • In-person digital literacy and mid-level trainings are provided at the Urban League of Louisiana  Office on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 10:00am to 12:30pm.
  • Virtual trainings are conducted on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at from 6:00pm to 8:30pm.
  • Virtual training is available and is fully interactive. They can be accessed from a computer, laptop, or tablet
  • Virtual training is supported by all major browsers. Updated browsers recommended.
  • Majority of courses are single sessions.
  • Attendees are registered on a first come, first served basis; there is no wait list.
  • Login permitted 10 minutes before the start of training.
  • Lead trainer/facilitator is available for assistance during the training.
  • Registration required for additional or repeated courses.